Friday, October 3, 2008

Nothing New...

Today has been one of those days. I got up with Bubby, got him his sippy of milk, and got him changed and turned on cartoons. When he went down for a nap I cleaned, started laundry, took a shower and got right back into p.j.'s...I didn't feel like doing a thing. I miss Adrian. I got to talk to him for about two minutes earlier today. Don't get me wrong. I am thankful for those two minutes..I just miss him, and feel like talking to him endlessly about things that really don't matter. I wonder if couples who are able to do things like that whenever they want realize just how lucky they are...I guess I will never know because we will never be one of those couples. Atleast not for another 15 years or so.

Peyton has been beyond fussy today. I fially figured out why when I stuck my finger in his mouth and realized he is cutting a molar...Ouch! Poor Bubby. It is already about 1/8 of the way though so hopefull it wont give him too much trouble.

I guess that's my update for now. Maybe more tomorrow..Who knows..

Much love, Sam

1 comment:

Kait said...

Sometimes I wonder if those people realize how lucky they are too! :) Love ya Sam!